Selassie is a photographic series that captures the breathtaking beauty of the Ethiopian landscape, with a focus on the contrasting North and South regions. The inspiration for this series came while I was creating the Afar series, where I first glimpsed the striking natural features that Ethiopia has to offer. The North region of Ethiopia is one of the hottest places on earth, with a rugged terrain made up of salt and sand. This arid landscape is a testament to the harsh realities of living in one of the world's most unforgiving environments. In contrast, the South region is one of the most biodiverse landscapes in the world, with lush forests, vibrant flora and fauna, and beautiful mountain ranges. For Selassie, I spent most of my time in the Bale National Park, which was named a World Heritage Site in 2009. The images capture the essence of the contrasting regions of Ethiopia, highlighting the incredible diversity of landscapes and the way in which they have shaped the lives of the people who inhabit them.
Selassie I
- 2017 | C-Type Print
Selassie II
- 2017 | C-Type Print
Selassie III
- 2017 | C-Type Print
Selassie IV
- 2017 | C-Type Print
Selassie V
- 2017 | C-Type Print
Selassie IX
- 2017 | C-Type Print
Selassie XIII
- 2017 | C-Type Print
Selassie XIV
- 2017 | C-Type Print